Mikele Bicolli
Jul 20, 2024

Huawei Initiates Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against MediaTek

Patent Litigation

Huawei Technologies has recently taken legal action against MediaTek, alleging patent infringement. The lawsuit, filed in a Chinese court, is part of Huawei's broader strategy to enhance revenue through licensing fees and royalties. MediaTek, a prominent supplier of application processors for smartphones and other consumer electronics, acknowledged the lawsuit but refrained from disclosing specific details about the patents in question.

This legal move by Huawei aims to secure royalties to fund its ongoing research and development efforts. Holding a substantial portfolio of standard-essential patents, particularly in 5G technology, Huawei has been intensifying its efforts to monetize its intellectual property. The company has previously established licensing agreements with numerous major brands, including Amazon, Samsung, Oppo, Sony, Vivo, and Xiaomi.

The outcome of this lawsuit could significantly impact MediaTek’s business operations, especially since many of its clients are based in China or manufacture their devices there. Despite over two years of negotiations, the dispute between Huawei and MediaTek remains unresolved, with Huawei demanding what MediaTek considers excessively high fees for its technology. This ongoing impasse has kept the case active in the courts.

Huawei's litigation against a chip manufacturer like MediaTek, rather than a mobile phone maker, marks a strategic shift that could have broader industry implications. If successful, this approach might result in lower patent licensing costs for end-product makers, potentially reducing smartphone prices. Huawei continues to emphasize the reasonableness of its patent charges as it expands its patent revenue globally.