Huawei Technologies
16,181 Legal Matters

Huawei Technologies Company IP Overview

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Mikele Bicolli
Huawei Initiates Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against MediaTek
Mikele Bicolli
Jul 20, 2024
Huawei Technologies has recently taken legal action against MediaTek, alleging patent infringement. The lawsuit, filed in a Chinese court, is... Read More
Pedram Sameni
Patexia Insight 149: Innovation Trends in the Last Decade (a Comparative Analysis)
Pedram Sameni
Sep 1, 2022
Last April, we released our fourth annual Patent Prosecution Intelligence Report. This report not only evaluates and ranks all participating... Read More
Pedram Sameni
Patexia Insight 126: Most Active Defendants and Plaintiffs of 2021
Pedram Sameni
Feb 24, 2022
Earlier in February we released our Patent Litigation Report (2022 Edition) that covers the patent litigation activity during the past... Read More
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Mikele Bicolli
Huawei Initiates Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against MediaTek
Mikele Bicolli
Jul 20, 2024
Huawei Technologies has recently taken legal action against MediaTek, alleging patent infringement. The lawsuit, filed in a Chinese court, is... Read More
Pedram Sameni
Patexia Insight 149: Innovation Trends in the Last Decade (a Comparative Analysis)
Pedram Sameni
Sep 1, 2022
Last April, we released our fourth annual Patent Prosecution Intelligence Report. This report not only evaluates and ranks all participating... Read More
Pedram Sameni
Patexia Insight 126: Most Active Defendants and Plaintiffs of 2021
Pedram Sameni
Feb 24, 2022
Earlier in February we released our Patent Litigation Report (2022 Edition) that covers the patent litigation activity during the past... Read More