Patexia Edward Tessen Tanaka’s

Edward Tessen Tanaka > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
Edward Tessen
Last Name
Copywriter, Blogger and Author
Washington, DC
Country United States  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: MS  
In a previous life I was a "Mad Man" and worked for 2 well known agencies based out of Washington DC and New York City. While I have a visual communication background I tend to focus on opportunities in content creation space and have an aptitude for design (both graphic and industrial), writing and marketing. I also study human factors psychology and product strategy. Outside of applied experience I have academic credentials in design, marketing and communication. Someday in the distant future I would like to complete my PhD and teach at a well known research university. I have done the "start-up" thing twice in my career and currently seeking to tie my destiny to a growing company that is going to disrupt the hell out of the status quo.
Focus Social Media & Search Marketing, Business Model Analysis, and Disruptive Technologies  

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You earned this badge on December 25, 2011 when you posted this to the Newsfeed: How to stop China from hacking US corporate and government institutions to steal trade secrets.
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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.