Methods and apparatus for storing data in a multi-level cell flash memory device with cross-page sectors, multi-page coding and per-page coding | Patent Publication Number 20140126289
US 20140126289 A1Patent NumberUS 09007828 B2
Application Number14077519
Filled DateNov 12, 2013
Priority DateMar 11, 2008
Publication DateMay 8, 2014
Original AssigneeBroadcom
Current AssigneeLsi Broadcom
Agere Systems Broadcom
Agere Systems Broadcom
Inventor/ApplicantsClifton Williamson
Harley F. Burger
Milos Ivkovic
Victor Krachkovsky
Andrei Vityaev
Johnson Yen
Erich F. Haratsch
Harley F. Burger
Milos Ivkovic
Victor Krachkovsky
Andrei Vityaev
Johnson Yen
Erich F. Haratsch
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