SOMAscan proteomic assay technology identifies new biomarkers for lung cancer
According to Sheri Wilcox, Ph.D., Director of Discovery Sciences at SomaLogic, the use of CT-scans in a high-risk population of heavy smokers has been proven to detect non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but its high false-positive rate can result in overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment. Researchers from SomaLogic and the University of Washington used SOMAscan proteomic assay technology on tissue samples of both tumor and non-cancerous lung samples from patients with NSCLC to find additional molecular ‘biomarkers’. They discovered 36 protein biomarkers that showed significant expression differences between the tumor tissue and non-cancerous lung tissue samples. Of these, thirteen proteins were not previously associated with NSCLC, thus providing significant insights to the biology of the disease and suggesting new therapeutic targets for the disease.