James McArdle
Jun 14, 2013

Patent Monetization Strategies

Oh, hey there Internet.


We had a good week this week.


Our Patent Monetization Strategies webinar was a great success. Peter Kim did an excellent job, he was a great presenter (“I have a confession to make...I love patents”) and handled a few questions brilliantly.


One of the best takeaways from the webinar was that, unlike most assets, owners are very attached to their patents (their ‘babies’) and this attachment can cloud their judgement when making important decisions about monetizing them. As a result, it helps a lot to have a partner you trust when you are thinking about selling or licensing your patents (but remember, “Never ask a barber if you need a haircut”).


We also extended the deadline for the Efficient Communicatoins Through Networks contest, so you’ve got another few weeks to put in submissions now. We’re looking to see some really positive results there.


This week, for the first time, we announced the winning reference for one of our contests.


On Thursday, we emailed the best reference submitted in the Charge Pump contest ot the contest participants. Feedback from the participants was very positive. We’re exciting to be making the contest process more transparent.


Don’t forget, we’ve also updated the judging criterion and feedback process for our contests. You can see the details here.


We’ve chosen winners for the User Interface with “Throw” Gesture contest. They should be hearing from us early next week.


All in all and exciting week at Patexia.


Here's my choice for the wallpaper of the week. Let's all take a moment to mourn the end of Season 3 of Game of Thrones. (It's King's Landing)