In-field research shows disease control, yield advantages of Priaxor⢠fungicide and Merivon®fungicide from BASF
With the results of field trials from the 2011 season now available, three years of research show Priaxor™ fungicide and Merivon® fungicide provided effective disease control and consistent yield increases in a wide range of crops. Priaxor and Merivon are expected to receive US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration in 2012. Priaxor research was conducted on row crops -- focusing primarily on soybeans -- as well as on some specialty crops, such as potatoes and tomatoes. Merivon research was conducted on specialty crops, specifically pome and stone fruits. Tested in field trials from 2009 through 2011, Priaxor and Merivon are premixes composed of pyraclostrobin -- the active ingredient found in Headline® fungicide and Cabrio® EG fungicide -- and Xemium® fungicide, a new active ingredient in the carboxamide family.