Alejandro Freixes
Mar 29, 2012

GrammaTech's new software architecture visualization system scales to millions of lines of code

GrammaTech, Inc. recently unveiled a next-generation software architecture visualization system. The new system incorporates a sophisticated new interface for viewing the relationships between software program elements. The system is integrated with CodeSonar, GrammaTech’s static-analysis tool for detecting defects. CodeSonar visualization is designed to optimize visual inspection and analysis of software. It offers real-time, fluid transitions for developers to visualize massive data sets to work at different levels of abstraction. The software makes extensive use of the graphics processing unit (GPU), is very high performance and can handle very large code bases (10M+ lines of code). Data is featured in a layered way that provides a high-level view with drill-down capability; users can explore the program from the bottom up as well.