Defensive Publication - Patexia IP Matters Webinar Materials Available Now
The recording and slides for the webinar are available now on the webinar page. We were very excited to have our first guest speaker and really enjoyed the talk.
Summary to the topic:
This webinar focuses on defensive publication: an intellectual property strategy used to prevent another party from obtaining a patent by disclosing your ideas so that they become prior art. It was given on April 11th by Andrea Casillas, director of Linux Defenders.
It's hard to escape the patent world. The amount of patent litigation has drastically increased, specifically in technologies based in computer software. However, these patent wars are extending beyond the big companies to startups and individual developers.
Those in the open source world are encountering two options: fly under the radar and hope to avoid lawsuits or license patented technology. Now is the time to introduce another option and begin to protect your freedom to operate through the use of defensive publications.