James McArdle
Apr 5, 2013

Defensive Publication


New contest on the site. Woooo!

We had a bit of a lull there. I’m very happy to have a contest on the site again.

It’s a pretty neat one too. A device that uses a chaotic pendulum and a reflective strip to simulate the flickering of a candle without fire.

I think it's used a lot in haunted houses and such around the world to get fire effects without having to worry about burning anything down.


Our monthly newsletter went out this week, there were some interesting things. If you missed here are the highlights:

Sibelle Interview: We posted an interview with a contest winner, Sibelle Andrade. She won the jetpack contest and we interviewed her about her background, experience, and how she did it (won the contest).

You can check it out here.

We’re also in the lead up to our next IP Matters webinar on Defensive Publication. In preparation we published an article by Felix Coxwell, of Research Disclosure, on the business cases for Defensive Publication.

Being cheaper is one thing, but there are a couple of other reasons to use defensive publications you might not expect. You can read about them here.

We’re excited for the next webinar, and to see the results on this upcoming contest.

And don’t forget about the tutorial contest we posted last week. If you want to cut your teeth on a practice search, you should check it out.