Kyle Hoellger
Dec 5, 2013

Dashboards Are Here

Before the calendar turns over to 2014 we are excited to announce the rollout of our latest feature, personal user dashboards. Pictured below, and found just to the right of the search bar on the top of the screen, is your new one stop shop for everything contest related.

Along the top of the dashboard page are your all time statistics, including total number of contests entered, total prize money won, and your lifetime average relevancy score.

Under the "Active Submissions" heading you can view all of your entries to open contests. We will also use this section to keep you updated on the status of a contest, with indicators such as Submitted, Saved, and In Review.

Under the "Submission History" heading you can look back on all of your past submissions. You can open up your original entry and you can view your overall contest rank, your score, and the name and score of the contest winner. 

If you have any thoughts or suggestions about the new layout feel free to drop us a line.


The Patexia Team