Pedram Sameni
Jul 3, 2011

4 Free Online Communities for IP Professionals « The Intellogist Blog

Patexia is an intriguing new site that offers a variety of content, including a useful visualization tool for patent data and a blossoming IP community. Registered users can share IP news, comment on blog posts, or review and comment on specific patents. The most interesting feature of this new IP network is the ability to search for specific US patents and write reviews on the patents. Other users can then read the patent reviews under the “IP Reviews” tab, and they can comment on or share your review through Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, or Facebook. The ability to review patents in Patexia is similar to the user-added content (tags and comments) on the WikiPatents website. Registration for WikiPatents costs $14.95, however, while registration and use of Patexia is free.