Patexia Eric Labarre’s

Eric Labarre > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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Interests Science and Technology  
 Technical Marketing and Embedded System Architecture Engineering for next Secure Element and Secure Platform for smartphone, tablet, smartcard, Sim card, IoT and Wearable  Working as Senior System and Architecture Engineer in architecture team for 21 month (SoC (HW IC), SW, FW, Java Card OS, Tools and Technologies)  Interfacing and working with product marketing, focusing on customer requirements, system and feature requirements and user case/scenarios definition, from TPM to cloud authentication  Growing Architecture team to System level definition, planning and execution (including, technologies, HW IC, SW/FW, Java Card OS, Tool chain, Integration, Verification and Validation)  Providing support for decision on technologies and System architecture to build the Roadmap.  Organization and management of delivery of IC architecture description, SW/FW architecture specification, IC design specification, on time and quality.  Implemented a new systematic methodology of problem solving, milestone and delivery definition and Integartion (planning, matrix, VIP, System Anatomy,…)  Interface to HW, SW/FW design, Verification, Toolchain and Validation Team  Reporting System definition and Architecture activity to management  Leading the Software Team dedicated to write testcase for Top Level verification of the IC  Define the Verification plan “Vplan”  Define Top Level verification methodology  Put in place plan and tracking of the execution of the Verification plan “Vplan”  Reporting progress of Verification to management  Planning re-use of the testcase for IC bringup  Implementing Agile lite for HW IC verification testcases implementation  VP Engineering SW and Multimedia STARTU  Built a team of Multimedia and Video Algorithm expert, Embedded SW architect as well as SW Developer and tester.  Define 3D stereo video compression algorithm, IP Design documentation, , SW architecture, SW implementation and SW testing  Actively contribute on core patents  Apply AGILE method to SW development  Define cloud based Multimedia and Video distribution platform architecture for Proof of concept  Marketing, Business Development and partnership with Semiconductor company and OEM/ODM  Hiring process and accounting
Skills Multi-Agent Systems, Semiconductors, Cyber Security, Nanotechnology, Computer Networks, Internet Privacy & Online Identity, Telecommunications, Computer Software, Consumer Electronics, Analog Circuit, Electronic design automation (EDA), Intellectual Property, Big Data, Algorithms and Complexity, Computer Architecture, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Distributed Systems, Formal Methods, Human-Computer Interaction, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Mobile Computing, Electromagnetics, Natural Language Processing, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Scientific Computing, Theory of Computing, Visualization, Information Theory, Embedded Devices, Low-power microelectronics, Optics, Photonics, Reconfigurable Computing Systems, Radio Frequency (RF), Sensors, Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Systems Control, Wireless and Sensor Networks, Acoustics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Aided Design, Quantum Computing, Solid State Devices, Computer Forensics, Invention, Semiconductor Packaging, Online Learning, Software as a service (SaaS), Digital Rights Management  

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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.