James McArdle
Jan 11, 2013

New Type of Contest: Commercial Use Search

We sent out our first newsletter this week. I hope you liked it. We’re planning to send out one per month with useful contest updates, featured winners and articles, and other tips and tricks for searches.

If you didn’t notice, we’ve also added some new notification options, separating out newsletters, contest promotions, and consulting opportunities so you can customize what you’ll receive from us a little better.

So far we’re right on track for our goal of one contest per week for the first quarter. This week we added an entirely new type of contest: a commercial use search.

In this case, we’re looking to disseminate a particular innovation, trying to spread that technology further afield. We’re looking for sources demonstrating commercial applications of compounds containing 5-aminosalicylate for inhibiting or preventing bacterial growth in humans.

We’re hoping this type of search works well (if anyone can do it, it’s our community) and if so, that it will be a new trend helping to promote innovation and find commercial applications for scientific innovations.

The ear warmer contest is going well. We’ve already received some submissions and are looking forward to seeing what else the community turns up. Best of luck with your entries.